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Giorgia is on vacation with her parents but she is terribly bored. Luckily in the pool there are two handsome guys who catch her attention trying to make her smile with very explicit sexual attitudes. The three decide to retire to have fun together. Our splendid and insatiable Malena is the owner of a house of prostitutes and when she goes to greet two clients to find out if they are satisfied with the girls, the two men tell her that they are happy but they need something more stimulating, something that leave you speechless and Malena does not let herself be told twice, she starts with an exclusive striptease for them and then lets herself be touched and kissed everywhere. Lisa Amane can't wait to go back to Christian Clay to find out what the surprise she was promised is all about. Christian sent two of his friends for a nice sex party for 4 ... 3 men all for the insatiable Lisa. A beautiful summer evening, a stunning blonde Chery Kiss impossible to resist.
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