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The day had finally arrived. You hadn't been able to think of anything else for days. You had ordered a large black dildo, and just the thought of it had made you extremely wet. When the package arrived, you could hardly contain your excitement.<br><br>With shaking hands, you ripped open the package and pulled out the dildo. It was even more impressive than you had imagined. Without wasting a moment, you took off your panties and let them fall to the floor. Your desire was so great that you could hardly contain yourself.<br><br>You sat down on your bed and positioned the dildo in front of you. Your fingers slid over your wet, pulsating pussy, ready to try out the new toy. You slowly sat down on the dildo, and an intense feeling of fulfillment spread through you. Your wetness made the penetration easier, and you felt how deeply it penetrated you.<br><br>The feeling was overwhelmingly good. You began to move faster, lowering yourself onto the dildo again and again. Your pleasure increase
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