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<b>Chocolate Puke - A Valentine's Day Special!</b><br><br>Don't I deserve an unforgettable Valentine's Day?<br><br>Asked to masturbate while you were out of the house, I've already had a few orgasms by the time you arrive. I'm thrilled by the gifts you've brought! A plushy doll of a hermit crab, a card that sings, and the third gift is chocolate. This isn't regular chocolate though! It's been melting in your ass since you left the store.<br><br>The cameras are off when I eat the chocolate because we don't want to give the wrong idea - but I want you to see the chocolate! <b>Let me bring it back up on your cock.</b> We struggle to do this for quite some time without puking (but really, who's complaining about that?) <b>We'll have to take turns gagging my throat with our fingers until we can make a huge brown mess of myself.</b><br><br>The scene moves to the bed. We make love passionately with lots of kissing, armpit and nipple play. My nipples look so good I have to lick and suck them m
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