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Welcome to Camp CockyBoys! It's a new series that plays on the nickname for the Cocky Boys country home and which takes advantage of the biggest ever gathering of models for our 10th Anniversary Pool Party! Or as one veteran CockyBoy says "There's a plethora of delectable creatures all walking around at any time". It's a seemingly endless, fun and joyful summer of swimming, canoeing, hiking, etc as well as quiet times getting to know one another. Then there are the nights by the campfire where the models gather for wienie roasting...and true sex confessions, a challenge instigated by Sean Ford. However it's Sean who is prodded to go first and reveal his hook-up with his longtime crush Colby Keller! Flashback to earlier in the weekend when Sean Ford confesses that crush Colby Keller is also his first time with a full-bearded guy and someone he considers "an actual MAN." And it's Sean who does the seducing! While Colby naps on a large bed in the woods, Sean approaches quietly and brushes
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