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Yasmin is an eye popping blonde, voluptuous, transsexual babe, with big, sultry, mesmerizing eyes, who oozes sex from every pore, and has a big, delicious dick. She begins with a wanton striptease, which will leave you drooling, as she fondles her luscious body, then removes a butt plug that she sucks clean before returning it to where the Sun don’t shine. After sitting down, she firmly strokes her rock hard, big banana with salacious zeal. With her fuse lit, she gluttonously savors sucking the massive, silicon prick of the Fuck 6000, our mechanized fucking machine, as it methodically fucks her whorish mouth, as if she had a clit in her throat. Then, she kneels on a chair in doggie, as the 6000 diligently drills its gargantuan, faux-cock deep into her ass with resolute resolve, while she moans and groans in orgiastic exultation. After greedily sucking the 6000’s dildo clean, she has it resume purposefully plowing her back alley with its indefatigable dick, as she frenetically jacks off
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