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Thick legs cutie got serviced. This Thick legs cutie got serviced at the same hotel under renovations where I also serviced Beefcake River: two cuties, two oral starving young men, and two different bodies. Beefcake Russ is beefier with delicious thick legs and a big round butt ? Russ is a tall young Beefcake that has a girlfriend, is studying and also works in the construction field. It took me several weeks to convince him to give a try to the BeefCakeHunter treatment and here he is, a little nervous at first, but relaxing by the minute. I think he was nervous or reluctant at the beginning because he was expecting maybe a big BCH crew…lol When we started the chat, the noise upstairs got me distracted so I couldn’t smoothly direct the conversation like in other occasions. Russ is kind of serious also but when I was able to get him to smile you can see he has a sexy one… hmm.
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