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Vitoria is a luscious, seductive, passable, tattooed, womanly, raven haired Tgirl, with a tasty, savory sausage. She begins this solo masturbation scene, flaunting her sumptuous physique, while proudly stroking her beefy tongue depressor, as the camera shoots up, from her feet, as if, we were kneeling before her, as she defiantly stands before us, taunting us, with her mouth watering member, as we beg to suck it. She then, demonstrates her comparable oral prowess, by sucking the massive silicon dong, of the Fuck 6000, our mechanized fucking machine, as she relishes having it slowly fuck her mouth. Then, she gets into doggie, directing the 6000, to steadily thrust it’s indefatigable prick, into her fabulous, firm, round ass, as she moans and yelps, with impassioned ardor, while wantonly grinding and humping her ass back onto it. Once on her back, the 6000 continues tirelessly pumping it’s pleasure pole, deep into her ass, while she frenetically jerks off, her beefy, wonder whang, moanin
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