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Alex and I decided to stakeout a local ice cream parlor. Why you might ask? Well how many times have you seen a bunch of dudes leaving an ice cream As luck and fate would have it, that's where we met Roxy and Destiny. Both of them were hot little Latinas. They were the perfect couple, and I do mean couple. That's right, they were girlfriend and girlfriend. By perfect couple I meant that Destiny brought the tits into the realationship, and Roxy brought the ass. And I mean huge tits, and a huge ass. The cool part is that I was able to get them to come with us to make a Movie. I was straight up to. I asked if they wanted to shoot some video, and they said sure. I even got them to flash and suck each others titties in the parking garage. The part I liked was having them display their best assets for me when we got to the crib. I had one shaking her ass, and the other shaking her tits for my delight for quite awhile. Then I sent in Alex, and they both went for him. You should see the great
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