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I've always wanted to have a hot Cuban jogging partner who was cute, sweet and had a juicy ass that I could stare at as it bounced up and down. I would d I couldn't catch up to her just so I could watch that ass from bed. Well ladies and gents that is exactly what we have here except she's down to fuck on film as well. Can you say dream come true??? We meet up with a couple wlives this life. The lucky guy introduces us to his jogging parter and we are HAPPY! She's down for the cause and she shows it by sucking his dick in public right behing some truck at a gas station. We then take the parback to the crib for a little more action. Good god this girl is bad! She's tits, ass and knows her way around and up anddown the cock. You may ask your self where we find these hotties, but wonder not friendsWe're Bang Bros and this is Latina Rampage. LAtin beauties are our specialty. Enjoy!
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