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Adriana Maya and Jamie Marliegh are BFFs. roommates, and they look a lot a like. So who could blame Tony for sneaking up on the wrong girl? Tony pulled out Jamie’s brown tits thinking she was his girlfriend, but once he saw them, he wanted to see more. Jamie loves her bestie, but not as much as she loves cock. She started sucking that big white dick like she was starving, but just as things were getting good, Adriana walked in. You’d think she’d be mad about finding her boyfriend’s dick in her friends mouth, but she was more excited about joining in the fun. So now you have two all natural black beauties sharing one white dick. How lucky can one guy be? The ladies took turns getting fucked while the other would play with her pussy, or interrupt to suck more dick. Of course there was also ass shaking a big double gooey faced ending, but you’ll want to watch the video to see that.
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