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*Thank you for being such big fans of my Bettie Page cosplays in the past! They have been my most viewed, sold AND favorited videos of all time! Enjoy my third attempt, with even MORE self bondage/ BDSM! (also available in BOTH black&white AND color versions!* Bettie wants to play ball... with your balls. Batter up! I start off by showing off my outfit (see-through white cropped tank top, pleather suspenders with booty shorts that go up my ass, sheer thigh high stockings with sports stripes, black velvet baseball cap and classic short black heels). I begin to tease you with the phallic baseball bat with my tits, hands and ass. I strip down and clamp my nipples, stuff my shorts in my mouth and spank myself with my hands & riding crop. I hitachi myself until I have multiple orgasms/ squirts!! I go until my clit is numb and pulsing. I can\'t take it anymore! That was quite the home run!
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