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Best Gay Film Pink TV Awards 2016 <br>2016 Best Gay Movie Award!!! Gustav (Matt Kennedy), a dangerous gay criminal, egocentric and megalomaniac, has developed a spray that can transform any heterosexual into a lustful homosexual. Code name of his spay: Agents X. After having tested it on his bodyguard (Jordan Fox), he plans to spread this gas during a big convention in the south of France and thus transform the world into a gigantic orgy . The spy Doryann Craig 00SEXE (Doryann Marguet) assigned by agent Z (Axel Lorentz) and supported by agent Flint (Jeremy Pitch) will have to thwart the plans of this ruthless enemy and save the world. A perilous mission that will force him to confront a sexually irresistible security guard (Will Wood) and where he will meet his Craig's Boy (Guillermo Cruz). and even the buttocks of the world?!
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