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Clanddi Jinkcego comes upon Rebecca Jessop relaxing in the bath, and sparks immediately fly between the two mega-mammed babes as Rebecca rinses her 36F bells with the swirling water. Clanddi quickly takes off her bra to display her 34DDs to her friend, who cant wait to get her hands and mouth on those colossal glands. As Clanddi leans over, Rebecca licks her nipples, which harden into tight little nubs. Our cameras capture some great shots of Miss Jessop nourishing herself on those hot suckers. Rebecca helps Clanddi peel off her panties and sandals, and then Miss Jinkcego joins her in the tub. Clanddi continues to feed her knockers into Rebeccas lips, but then Becky goes lower so she can sup on her pals snatch. Her tongue wiggles snake-like over Clanddis clit, until Clanddi decides its time to get some cunny herself. She kneels in the tub and laps at Rebeccas slit for quite awhile. There are some great shots of Clanddi kneeling in the water with her butt jutting out--just perfect
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