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Klenot, the Czech hottie with eight sets already to her credit on our site, shows up to tease us in a lacy black-and-white boulder-holder that presents her 34D rack like a tempting tray of goodies. She pulls out her tits and sucks her nipples, giving us lots of sultry looks that indicate she wouldnt mind having one or more of us as her assistant so she wouldnt have to do all the slurping on those silver dollar nips!Klenot takes out a long turquoise vibrator that she sticks between her bells and licks with her lips, before getting down on the bed and cramming the toy in her clam while she fondles her jugs. When she finally takes off her bra, we get some of the best views of all, low angle shots that have her looking down as if were only two feet tall and awestruck by the enormity and nearness of her boobs. Youll drool and squirt at the gigantic closeups which will both fill your computer screen and make you fill your pants with spurt after spurt of gooey appreciation! But afterward
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