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Perky new face Elli Jordan in the bathroom, showing off her tempting cleavage first in a tight little top and then stripping down to an ivory lace bra. As the bra comes off in a gradual striptease accented by Ellis pleasant smile, we see her beauties straight on and from low angles that accentuate their round softness. Shes got light beige nipples and her titties fill her fingers as she lifts them out of the bra cups and squeezes them. Huge closeups will fill your computer screen too and youll almost be able to feel her nipples in your mouth.Elli takes off her panties and uses the portable shower attachment to spray her jugs before squirting lots of liquid soap all over them, and down her belly and pussy too. Soon her body shimmers with a creamy white sheen and we can almost smell the sweet perfume of the soap. Then Elli makes herself comfortable in a corner of the shower and rinses off, giving us some nice views of her butt as her tits hang down. The set winds up splendidly as Elli
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