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Two leggy lovelies mix it up when Isla from the United Kingdom meets Katia Dé Lys from Cuba. Katia seems immediately taken with Islas tattooed look, her gams shapely on their powder blue peep toe DOrsay pumps. Katias own feet are clad in black high-heeled sandals with complex straps. The ladies start off kissing their titties and legs, but Katia quickly shifts to taking off Islas shoes and sniffing them. Meanwhile, Isla removes one of Katias shoes and sucks her toes, doing quite a thorough job of worship with her sexy lips. As Isla enjoys her foot feast, we get great views of Katias wrinkled soles. Isla runs her tattooed foot underneath Katias gold lamé panty, then she gets down on her hands and knees and worships Katias left foot, which is still clad in its shoe. When this last heel come off, Isla gloms even further on Katia's peds, sucking her big toe and rubbing the foot between her tits. But when Isla gets a look at Katias amazing derriere, the focus shifts to fanny worshi
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