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Zuzana Z. pleasures herself--and how!--when this fan fave from the Czech Republic gives us a masturbation show. Lounging in a bed in her pretty cheddar-yellow bra and panties, giving us that great Zuzana smile, shes soon spreading her pussy for us in preparation for her self-administered invasion by double-dong. Holding it in her mouth, she curls up in a ball and fucks her pussy with the toy, then switches targets and crams it into her asshole. But her pussy obviously misses the fulfilling sensations and Zuzana is soon stuffing the dildo into her clam again as well, bending it to its limit. She moves around in different positions so we can see her lovely pussy and rosebud as they engulf the rubber rod. Zuzana has a nice little lawn of pubic hair above her snatch too, for all you aficionados of short'n'curlies! After she fucks her ass, she shows us a dark and shadowy gape leading into her innermost regions. To top it all off, she then winds down by taking a long and dramatic pee into a
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