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Newsflash! A secret about why so many modern women are anxious to join the military is now revealed here on 1By-Day.com! Thanks to special government contracts worldwide, DDF Fucking Machines have been installed for the pleasure of frisky female warriors at army bases in several countries, those wise nations which recognize that a sexually satisfied combat group is a more effective fighting force! In a classic demonstration of one of these erotic devices is Colonel Eve Smile, sampling the unit in her quarters so that she can get her rocks off before she leads her troops on a dangerous mission tomorrow morning. Since shes not allowed to fraternize fuck-wise with the male soldiers, Eve knows that tonight her pussy will need the intense relief that only the thrusting of the Fucking Machine can provide. The robot dildo goes deep into her core, releasing those tensions that might otherwise distract her in the field! Indeed, the enemy best beware the savage mental clarity and deviously bri
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