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Kelly has a fetish. She loves to dress up as a and every once in awhile on the weekends, throw herself a private blowjob party! In real life she is a busy attorney with a lot of responsibilities, but to unwind on Saturday or Sunday she dresses up in a plaid skirt, knee socks, ponytail, and has her friend Ruka come over and treat her to his big dick! He has no complaints, of course...he thinks its cute how she fixes up her apartment with balloons and even has a students briefcase to add atmosphere to the roleplaying...whatever makes his friend Kelly happy! They're longtime buds from the old neighborhood. She went onto college and law school, and Ruka went right to work in construction with his step dad and brothers...Ruka's cock comes wrapped in a ribbon and attached to a balloon for her delight. Bending over so she can feel her cotton panties exposed under the fluttery little hem of her skirt, she takes that giant johnson in her mouth, absorbing quite a lot of it into her face and
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