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Well Guys, Its me Sarah and yes my ears are burning up from all the chatter around the hood, about me and my naughty ways. I just moved into my new place and Ive got all the ladies in the hood pissed off because of all the repair men that have been over almost non stop. One day I had a repair guy just stop to see if I needed something fixed, if he was a couple of hours earlier it would have been his lucky day but the cable guy had just cum and left. I think the situation is starting to get out of control because last week when I called the plumber to clear out my pipes, the same guy that installed my alarm showed up with a shit eating grin on his face, but he did such a good job the first time around I was glad to see him back again. When I opened the door and saw Cage standing there I remembered him right away but I also remembered that he fucked me hard and strong, so I just played blonde and let him anyway. I figured if he wants to be a plumber today,
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